I'm reminded of Sylvia Plath's fig tree story. The basic jist is in order to have one thing in one, you have be willing to forego the others, lest you waste so much time in indecision that you lose the opportunities.

I don't know what to say other than no matter what there will always be a feeling of "What If". If it's any comfort, the life you have now would be a dream an alternative version of you, maybe even a past version. "Omg I get to live in X and do Y! Cool".

Also, as a guy, I like the cocktail dress analogy, lol.

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Thank you Conor! You are so right. I absolutely made the choice to forego broken hearts and restarts and instability for a life abroad and travel around the world, albeit, even if it has to be alone (and no one says it does...that part is just an uphill battle). And you are absolutely right again...past me would have jumped at this opportunity had I understood it was an option in my younger days! And YAY! Cocktail dress analogy LANDS! BOOM!!!! :)

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I hope you're ok. And I think the analogy landed because I like cocktail dresses lol. Thanks for the sub btw

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I'm great! I actually just went and re-read Sylvia Plath's poem about the fig tree. At least I picked a fig! :) Looking forward to checking out your work!

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